with Channing Ayers
Tools for Tranformation using ancient wisdom and modern understanding
Astrology Consultations
I provide a variety of astrological readings and services. My astrology skills come from a life time of having an astrological background, and 20 years of focused intensive study of both western and eastern approaches to understanding astrology. I use mainly the Eastern Vedic techniques known as Jyotish, for evaluating charts, with the Tropical calculations applied to these techniques. After reading my GETTING STARTED page, please contact me through email for any questions and scheduling.
To schedule a session
Astrology Services
Foundation Session
In Depth Session
Natural Flow Session
One Question Answered
Deep Dive monthly Package
Compatibility Analysis
Follow Up Session
Gemstone Analysis
Foundation Session
This reading covers all the astrology basics of your birth chart, looking into the trends shown in your chart, Dashas and current transits. We will also go into remedial measures and can focus on a specific question or area of life as well.
​This reading is a great start if you want to get a basic yet thorough idea of what your chart is indicating, or look into specific questions about your path.
This is also great option if you are already familiar with your chart, studying astrology, and want to learn more about your chart or go over your more advanced astrological questions with an astrologer.
One on one zoom session
This is a deep dive in,a one on one in depth predictive reading, which includes the trends of your life path, based on into your birth chart, divisional vargas (divisional charts), up coming transits and Planetary and Rasi Dashas for timing future events.
This an indepth and predictive reading covering a multitude of different areas within your life. I heavily research your chart before our session and share this detail information with you in a consolidated form. This reading will give you a good understanding of astrology, your own chart, and is highly recommended if you have detailed questions or are looking deeper understanding .
During the reading reading I use different techniques for understanding your questions, such as Horary astrology, and we can also go into specific remedial measures for any challenges which might be indicated for specific plaets in the chart, and how to specifically work with your chart. These are based on the ancient techniques and more modern applications for each planet, including gemstones, flower essences and planetary mantras.
This reading will give a through in depth perspective and is my most popular reading.
Single in depth reading
Two in Depth reading package:
In Depth Astrology Session
Natural Flow Reading
This is an natural, spontaneous, intuitive mini reading of your birth chart. In this type of reading, I focus in on what what stands out in that moment, and share what seems to be of the most predominant importance. Sometimes, these can be the the most appropriate types of readings for being in the moment because it is designed to be in the flow and done in a intuitive receptive manner, as often this is where the most profound wisdom is discovered. This is a spontaneous reading, and can be a wonderful oracle of what one is truly "needing to hear" at the time. Because I do not spend as much time studying and researching your chart before hand as I do with the other readings I offer, this type of session is a quick affordable, wide open intuitive message, focused on a free flowing chart analysis.
This reading is a shorter, pre-recorded session.
Natural Flow Reading
One Question Astrology Reading
This is an option designed to go into one question specifically and quickly, using not only your natal chart and current transits, but the use of a Horary chart as well.
One of my favorite tools in astrology is casting "Horary" charts, meaning "hour". This is the practice of asking a specific question and casting a chart for the moment the question is asked. (i cast charts for the moment I open, receive and read the question)
This techniqe is called Horary in western terminology, and “Prasna” in Vedic terminology. I use the Horary techniques based on William Lilly's teachings, and I also apply the Vedic Prasna perspective.
Horary offers insight into details which are not always available through the natal chart, and is an amazingly accurate technique.
This is a great choice for a short answer to one pressing question and good if you just want to know about one thing that’s going on in your life right now. You may have a big decision to make, and want to confirm your choice, such as buying a house, taking a new job, getting into a relationship, moving, investing, or even a health question, for example. Horary can be used for all types of questions, and I use this technique all the time!
This service is a written answer to one question. I try to get back to you as soon as possible, depending on the nature of your question.
Please write to me with your question before purchase.
Some questions are too involved to answer without a full reading.
One Question Horary YES Or NO Written Answer
Detailed answer with Horay, and birthchart exploration in regards to the question
Astrological Deep Dive Package
This is an amazing astrological punch-card style package which offers on-going in-depth understanding of your astrological influences. This offer provides a client with continuous in depth astrological support and knowledge on their own schedule. This package is available for either 6
follow up readings, or12 follow up sessions.
This package is especially helpful for someone wanting a lot of on-going exploration of their astrological indications, personal on going astrological forecasts and keeping up with astrological weather on a monthly basis. This consistent meeting and exploration offers a deeper dive into knowledge of one's own chart. This package provides one with complete access to the tools available through astrological guidance. This can be an indispensable support opportunity for anyone with interest in accessing astrology for guidance in numerous ways.
Deep Dive astrology Package 6 sessions
Deep Dive astrology Package 12 sessions
This is an in depth look at the compatibility and aspects between two peoples charts.
One of the big reasons why I started studying astrology was to understand the nature of our relationships and what the stars can tell us about our connections with others, and this is a field of astrology that continues to be a passion of mine.
This type of reading can be used for couples, parents and children, friends, business partnerships, or any type of relationship you would like to understand more.
This reading can also be used to find a good Muhurta for the timing of a marriage.
This reading is an indepth look at two different charts and how they combine with each other using several techniques from Vedic and Western principles, including the Kuta system of compatibility as well as the overlapping of two charts which is called synastry. Its also possible to see and understand the connections through the Human Design , as well as the birth cards, and I tend to look at these systems during my research before hand and can be specifically looked into during the reading as well.
Compatibility write up with Kuta report
In person live compatibility session
In Person Compatibility session and two individual In Person Indepth readings Package
Compatibility Sessions
Introduction to Human Design Reading
Along with astrology, I have been studying and sharing about the Human Design system for over ten years. I am am also deeply engrossed in the work with the Gene Keys. Human Design combines ancient wisdom teachings of the Kabbalah, The I-Ching, Astrology, and the Eastern Chakra system into a map of self discovery and provides tools for deep personal awareness. Discover your Human Design type and how to use your specific type of strategy in life for better decision making, and accessing you inner authority for clarity and alignment with your true nature.
​Understanding the Human Design system is a great tool for discovering more about your life's purpose, and true self acceptance.
This reading can shed light on areas of yourself in a different way than astrology offers at times, and adds a deep layer of understanding to any path towards self discovery.
This reading will give you the type of information you will never get from just one type of system alone.
1.5 hour in depth introduction reading:
Combined purchase with another astrological session
Follow Up Sessions
After an session clients often like to have a way to keep track of on going changes and go more indepth into other questions or areas of their chart. This follow up session is designed to meet those on going queries as they arise, and to keep up with changing cycles, transits, and the astrological weather patterns. These can be scheduled for any time after receiving the foundation reading, or the in depth reading.
One hour in person session
Two hour in person session
Astrological Gemstone Reading
Using and wearing Gemstones to help balance and align the planets indications in astrology charts is an ancient practice preserved within the Vedic astrological techniques and practice. Wearing specific stones is considered a type of remedy for placements of planets which indicate the challenges in life. Gemstones are revered as having the ability to help enhance our inherent strengths, and address our planetary weaknesses indicated in the birth chart and current transits.
I have been working with gemstones for the past 25 years, and offer this knowledge in a condensed form for those who want to know which gemstones are appropriate to wear for their personal birthchart without a full reading.
The gemstone analysis includes a list, in order of top priority , of the three most important planets in your natal chart to focus on bringing into balance, and provides a list of the stones which would be best to wear specifically indicated in your birth chart.
This is a written consultation listing the gemstones which are specific to your chart. Please allow up some time receive this report, depending on my current time schedule and as I do all of these evaluations myself,
after meditating and contemplating your chart beforehand.
written analysis
Astrology Reading Gift Certificates
Trying to find the perfect gift?
An astrology reading can be an amazing and thoughtful gift to give for friends, family, and loved ones.
This can be a great gift for any time in life. This can be a wonderful gift for the many rites of passage and major life events
such as
birth of a new child,
moving to a new location,
or any time of life.
Give someone you love the gift of wisdom, knowledge and insight for years to come.
Please email me for inquiries about purchasing any of my readings
as a gift reading.
Scheduling A Session
Please contact me for more information about a reading and to schedule a session. I usually have a wait time anywhere from 1-3 weeks for a session.
All sessions are scheduled in Eastern Standard Time. Due to how many clients live in different time zones, I cant keep up with other time zones, so please adjust your time to EST. Please read the Scheduling A Session Page down below before scheduling a session. This information is essential to having receiving a great reading.
3% is added to the session fee to cover PayPal costs.
If you can not afford any of these reading options, please write to me and explain your situation.
Please take note I always use the Tropical Zodiac in my readings. If this concept is not familiar for you, please read the page on why I use the Tropical zodiac to understand more on this subject before ordering a reading.

from clients
"Channing, is a very detailed oriented astrologer I will not hesitate to recommend and look forward for my future readings with her. I found her analysis for the birth chart and hora questions very accurate and helpful in channeling the energies and effort in the right direction. Highly recommend her."
Divya, Sydney, Australia
"Channing is a gifted and passionate astrologer. She gave information that was accessible to me in the moment and information I can look to as I further evaluate my chart. She hit things right on the nose in a way that helped to get the gears turning around some stuck places I was feeling! I would highly recommend a session with Channing if you are looking to more deeply dive into Vedic Astrology or just to learn more about who you are. She is a great guide to offer new seeds to plant in your journey to more fully being you."
Jamie, NC, USA
" I have been consulting with Channing for over a year now. Her deep insight and advice have been very helpful. She has a wonderful way to explain how various movements in my chart are impacting my current position as well as guiding me to look at certain aspects which may yet show up.
In addition Channing is a very wise expert and works with you so that as a client you understand how to mitigate certain feelings and how to proactively work through phases. It would be a very difficult time for me if I could not rely on her honest readings and advice.
Recently she has also started to advise on Human Design concepts which are very enlightening and I look forward to having many more insightful and helpful sessions."
Farhan, Toronto, Canada
"I am so pleased and excited about conversing and receiving the in-depth, striking and super uselful reading yesterday. Such neat things to discover & discuss! Your vault of knowledge was thoroughly impressing, with so much passion shining through! Thank you. again."
Jenn, CA, USA
What to Know Before Scheduling an Astrological Session

When people write to me about a session they usually ask me about the next steps to getting a reading after contacting me. Here are some important points of information and FAQ's about getting started with a reading all in one place to help give a good understanding of what I need to start working on your chart, and what to expect from a session with me. Please read these before ordering a session.
To get started on evaluating your chart and to give you the best possible reading, I need the exact time, date, and location of birth. Having an exact time of birth is an important piece of information for the most accurate reading. Sometimes people do not know their exact time of birth, and sometimes the birth time can even be rounded up or down on the birth certificate. If your not sure of your exact time of birth, readings can still be done, but they may not be as accurate. If you desire a rectification to find your exact time of birth, please contact me directly and we can discuss details of this process.
please provide a little bit about your current questions, and some idea of what you would like to receive from an astrology session with me. I like to know before we get started if I can be helpful for you.
Over the years I have found Astrology is a wonderful tool for inner wisdom and self knowing. Having the right intention and desire for using astrology to better ones self makes a world of difference in what you may receive during and astrological consultation. I have learned that Prediction, a really amazing and fun part of astrology, is actually a side benefit to studying astrology, and is secondary to the basic fundamental gift of astrology, self awareness. Understanding of the self, and bringing understanding and reflection to the consciousness Is the number one reason for astrology, not prediction of future events. So, while I do work with prediction in my practice, going to an astrologer just for prediction to try to maintain control over ones destiny, alleviate fear, or avoid personal inner work, doesn't always produce the best results. If you are looking for an astrologer to give you a bunch of nonsense information, or just tell you what you think you would like to hear, or only positive affirmations of your mind set, there are many other places to go for this type of experience. If you receive an astrology reading with me, please be prepared for the possibility of straight answers and real information.
I have always appreciated the explanation of a chart reading in the Vedic tradition as a "Prasna Deva" or a "question for the Gods". This is about you and your question being answered. When one asks for a "prasna Deva" , a question for the Gods, they are seeking understanding from the universe and source energy. The information which comes through can be very appropriate for what the client needs to hear, but not always what the client might 'want' to hear.
When one is asking questions, the answers to the questions which are truly meant to be understood by each individual tend to show up the clearest in the charts. I do my very best to find as much information as possible in the research I do before our session, during our session, and even after our session. I share what I can see in the chart as clearly and honestly as possible. Sometimes there are not always clear answers, and nothing can be done about this except for patience and inner contemplation. Not every question can be answered. Answers which can not be found exactly in the moment or through diving deeply into the chart, seem to have their own way of unfolding over time, and sometimes this is the most appropriate path for the individual. A lot of what is received during a reading is based on each persons own destiny in that moment to receive that information. I am a channel for this information to come through. My focus is how to deliver the most important information, what is really standing out, what is prominent, in the most harmonious form for each client.
I live on the East coast of the USA, in the Eastern Standard Time Zone (EST).
This is the same time as in New York City. When we start scheduling, it is very important that we make sure our timings match for meeting up for our session. Since I live here, in the Eastern time zone, and I work with people all over the world everyday, from all different time zones, Im not going to know what the difference is from one time zone to another if you just tell me your time zone. When we start scheduling, What I need from you, please, is to let me know what the difference is between your time and EST. An example of this is ,"I live 6 hours ahead of EST". The reason for this is so we can make sure we are meeting at the same time. Please also let me know what times are easiest for you to have a private uninterrupted meeting.
I have found it is helpful to schedule your reading during a time where you will not be experiencing a lot of distractions, and choosing a location in a calm environment where you feel comfortable can be helpful. Some ways to prepare for a reading, so you will have more opportunity to gain the most from it, include any practice which can help facilitate a mindful state such as such as meditation, breathing exercises, mantra, or yoga before the reading is scheduled to begin.
I like to use Zoom to meet with people because it provides a chance for us to connect in person and look over your chart together. I record the the session from my end, and send it to you for you to download. After receiving this recording link, it is important for each client to download their reading as I only leave it on this platform for a short time. If you are unable to use the internet for a meeting, we can schedule a phone consult, or consider a prerecorded session.
Because of the amount of work I put into your chart before we get started, I do not offer refunds for cancellations after I have done the initial work on a chart. I mainly accept payment through PayPal. My policy is to receive payment before I start working on a chart. This allows me to put 100% of my energy and focus into understanding the chart from many different angles.
I like to spend several days before we meet diving into each chart, to get a good feel and understanding of all the complexities of each chart. I look deeply into divisional charts, dashas, Jaimini techniques, yogas, varshapala solar return charts, shad bala, and avashtas, along with many other techniques, to get a thorough understanding of the chart before we meet. We might not talk about all these tools that I evaluate specifically, but please understand I am dedicated to looking at all aspects of your chart before we meet.
I do not give advice of what a person should do. I will tell you what the chart indicates, but the choices one makes are ones own destiny. I do not assume any responsibility for the decisions anyone makes before or after a reading.
I am not a health practitioner, a doctor, or a psychologist, and all choices and decisions which each person makes about their health are 100% completely their own choices. Any information I give about health is in not intended for replacing any type of medical advice from a qualified medical practitioner.
In my practice I use the TROPICAL CALCULATIONS for birth charts and analysis. If you have plugged your chart into some other Vedic website, or had your chart calculated with Sidereal calculations, there is a 23 degree difference between Tropical and Sidereal calculations, and your chart might look different than you have seen before. On this site I have a page dedicated to explaining why I use the Tropical calculations and links to more references about this. This is similar to what your chart might look like if you were using a western astrological perspective, but I use all the Vedic applications. If you are not familiar with this difference, please read about this before ordering a reading. If you would like to see what your chart looks like in the tropical calculations, please go to https://vaultoftheheavens.com/ for a free chart calculator.
Please let me know if you have any questions or would like to schedule a reading.
I look forward to the opportunity to work with you.
For Scheduling please contact me through Email
A little bit about me.....

I live in the beautiful Mountains of North Carolina where I find much joy and peace with the natural beauty which is abundant here. Along with a balanced and natural lifestyle in the mountains here, I focus the majority of my time on studying and cultivating the knowledge of astrology and wisdom teachings. My skills in astrology have been developed over a lifetime of astrological studies, as well as over ten years of studying specifically with Ernst Wilhelm.
Inner contemplation and meditation, with an outer discipline of study and research of astrological understanding is the foundation of my daily life. Over the years I have discovered some of my gifts and abilities are to share the language of the stars, and the tools I have learned, with others in a practical, accessible, and grounded way.
This pursuit of wisdom and knowledge has been my drive , and my passion for a very long time. My goal is to be in service to others and to participate in a collective contribution towards the progressive research and study of astrology, as a beneficial tool of knowledge and understanding for all to access.
Ever since I can remember, astrology has been a part of my life. I don't remember a time in my life without it. My mother was intensely interested in astrology from a young age, which was not as common back then. She studied astrology from the age of 18 on, and pursued it with a strong passion throughout her whole life. I grew up around her endless piles of hand drawn charts and towers of astrology books. I was fascinated by these maps into the endless mysteries of life, and It was inevitable that her love of astrology was eventually passed on to me.
My foundation in my college education was psychology, expressive arts therapy, and I received a BA in Jungian based psychology in 1994. I have been engaged the journey of self discovery and service with this knowledge ever since. I not only wanted to understand myself and the deeper mysteries of existence for my own curiosity, but along the way on this journey I also have realized I have skills be able to help others thrive and find peace in their lives.
My unending curiosity has plunged me into the the depths of not only astrology, but has opened my path up to pursuit of deeper understanding of human consciousness through many forms of exploration, including years of studying Non Violent Communication skills (NVC), spiritual contemplation, psychology, archetypes, symbols, philosophy, ancient mythology, and ancient religions. I have studied and worked with many different tools of wisdom and divination,such as Cards (AKA Cartomancy) Tarot, the I Ching, and Human design systems. All these systems are valuable tools in reading the language of the universe, which is constantly communicating every moment.I continually weave these systems into most of my readings, as truths will tend to repeat themselves within these systems..
Please let me know if I can answer any more questions, and if you are interested in learning more about astrology, human design, cartomancy, and especially if you are interested in receiving a reading from me. I am dedicated to sharing this knowledge and wisdom in a comprehensive and grounded way with anyone who is interested in discovering more tools for self awareness, healing and finding more harmony within life.


One of the common questions I get from clients is "why does my chart look different than what I am used to in Vedic Astrology". The simple answer is because I use the Tropical calculations in my practice. The Tropical calculations are mainly associated with modern western astrology practices as well as ancient Hellenistic roots of western astrology, and the Sidereal calculations are mostly associated with the Vedic practices from the East, but what most people do not know is that the Tropical calculations work for all astrology, including the Vedic practices.
Having astrology as the primary foundational belief system in my upbringing, I have had a good bit of time to contemplate and explore many of the different schools of astrology. Inherently, I do believe all the different types of astrology all come from a similar source.
We truly do not know the origins of astrology, only that it is found in almost every aspect of ancient and even modern religions, mythology, and cosmology.
I began my journey with study of western astrology, the term for astrology which is most practiced in the west and has its origins from what was written down about it in Greece. I was introduced to this mainly because my mother was studying this in depth, and it was what I was familiar with. I also was introduced to eastern Vedic astrology very young as well, as my mothers best friend encouraged her to learn this system of Vedic understanding as it was becoming more available in translation to English, and more understanding of it was being shared with the west.
Some of the oldest recorded instruction and texts on astrology come from the ancient Vedic and Indian astrological texts. The term "Vedic" refers to the information and writings from the area in the world known as India. Vedic usually refers to the Pre-Hindu culture, the original roots of the Hindu religion, and the ancient Indian culture known as the Vedic era. There are other sources of ancient astrological knowledge, but the detail and information which is intact and preserved as from the Vedic culture is rare. Astrology is an ancient science, that we have lost much knowledge of over time, and now find it in bits and pieces, in text and in tradition, some in tact, some corrupted. Now, with modern technology such as computers, we are now able to test and apply these techniques like never before.
The Origins of western astrology come from the writings and texts preserved in Greece, and the interactions of the Greeks with India, Persia, Egypt, and other parts of the world. Its a compilation of many different sources. One of practices which was carried over from these ancient sources into the modern day practice of astrology in the west, is the calculation of the zodiac using the Tropical system, known as Tropical astrology. This is based on the Earths revolution around the Sun, and the Suns arc of travel through the sky from the Earths perspective. This method of calculation is consistent with the equinoxes, and the Sun's perceived movement aligns in the same place, and the same sign, year after year. This does not change with the movement of the stars.
One of the big differences in the Vedic techniques from the western techniques is the calculation of the planetary placements in the zodiac use a Sidereal system, The Sidereal calculations are based on the fixed stars, and "Sidereal" even means star. Two thousand years ago (+/-) these two calculations of the zodiac were very similar in degree. Due to the precession of the Earth, the Sidereal system calculations of the planets and signs are now a 23 degree difference from the Tropical calculations.
This topic can go very in depth, and many have documented their research on this subject extensively. For further understanding of the scientific, mathematical, and philosophical debate about this, I will include some links for more research a little further down the page.
I was fascinated by this idea of two different systems, and this did not make sense to me. These were the same twelve signs, and the same planets being described in two completely different systems. So, when I started exploring charts on my own, I cast them in both systems, always contemplating the possibilities with each chart.
Over the years, I would go back and forth contemplating these different ways to calculate the astrology charts. I found it very difficult to really determine which zodiacal calculation was more accurate from reading my own personal chart, because each persons chart is so vastly complex when you really consider the vargas, the 16 different divisional charts, that each sign and house placement are represented in some aspect. What I did find, however, is the Tropically calculated charts were more aligned with the current events, and this accuracy within the signs and nature of the current transits was very apparent. I also discovered when it came down to the very specific techniques such as Jaimini, which determine the very concrete aspects of ones life, these seemed to be more aligned with the tropical calculated chart. These differences continued to fascinate me as I was determined to find the most accurate understandings of astrology. I even began praying about it, as this mystery was challenging to me as I was diving deeper and deeper into my studies and I asked for some divine guidance as to which direction to go in.
In 2010 I met Ryan Kurczak and Ernst Wilhelm who were testing, researching, and teaching the Vedic techniques with the Tropically calculated zodiac, based on their own findings. I began to study with them and began to work with other astrologers who are using the Tropical calculations as well. These are some of the most dedicated and in depth group of astrologers I had ever met. Both of these teachers have dedicated themselves to research and understanding of astrology, and have both written extensively about this subject.
If you would like to read more about the technicalities of the Tropical- Sidereal study, here are some links to some in depth articles written by my astrology teachers Ernst Wilhelm and Ryan Kurczak:
This is an on going journey. I am always experimenting with astrological understanding, and practice it daily. It is an on going study and I will forever be a student of this field. I will always have things to learn about astrology, as it is an ancient practice where we are piecing together bits and pieces of it through practice and research. I get a sense there is no way I could absorb every aspect of astrology in one life time. In this lifetime though, with my own experience and research, I have found the vedic teachings to be great foundation and important in truly understanding astrology. I have also found the actual results and on point information that I have seen from using the Tropical calculations have been unmistakably clear for me. Because of the concrete results I have been finding with research and within this field, I practice vedic astrology with the tropical calculations. Thus, because of the accuracy available with this approach to vedic astrology, what is now called "Tropical Vedic astrology" is becoming more and more popular and sought out.
It is my belief that as astrologers, it is our responsibility to stay truly open minded, and really research all the possibilities while practicing astrology. As we are all now in this age of computers and technology, we have access to more research and understanding of how these ancient practices were meant to be practiced. With this approach I find astrology becoming more and more accurate and precise, and an important tool for wisdom and self awareness.
These are some of my suggested resources for anyone who is interested in learning more about astrology, in depth or even just diving more into your own chart for personal understanding. These are also some of my favorite resources that I have found along my journey for inspiration, knowledge, self awareness, and wisdom.
Ernst Wilhelm Vedic astrologer and teacher, and creator of the astrology program I use, Kala. Check out his ongoing vedic astrology learning site and interactive tropical vedic astrology forum
Free chart calculator
Ryan Kurczak Vedic astrologer, teacher, and Kriya yoga instructor. Ryan has a you tube channel for astrology where he shares free foundational videos on astrology, and a channel for Kriya yoga instruction.
Also, check out the wonderful articles about astrology on the Asheville Vedic Astrology website
Ryan has created a comprehensive two year astrology course
Direct Links for each of the planetary mantras
Relationship Resources and books
Allison Armstrong author of The Queens Code and creator of understandmen..com. Allison is a researcher and counselor who offers many free articles and audio interviews. Sign up for her newsletter to receive free seminar offers. She is an amazing resource for understanding relationships and the differences and similarities between the masculine and feminine perspectives.
Marshall Rosenburg Author of the book Non Violent Communication. Practicing Non violent communication techniques provides tools for deeper and more authentic relationships with anyone in your life. Start with reading the book and I will add more links to this soon.